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Pancreatic Cancer Natural Treatments & Alternative Remedies



Eating oranges and drinking orange juice will provide your body with much needed Vitamin C. Vitamin C is important to your body when you have cancer because it is a very powerful vitamin that has a lot of healing abilities for helping healing pancreatic cancer. This vitamin alone can help your immune system and cells fight off the cancer cells. You can get vitamin C from supplements and many other foods.



Turmeric powder can be used for many illnesses, including pancreatic cancer. Turmeric has a substance called curcumin in it that is tremendous for supporting the immune system while also killing off cancer cells. To kick pancreatic cancer out of your body, take eight hundred milligrams of turmeric a day. Do this until you have no more cancer. This is a very effective alternative treatment for pancreatic cancer and has been proven to work over and over again.




Taking herbs is very beneficial to you and your body when you have pancreatic cancer, and sometimes you can improve your chances of surviving pancreatic cancer by taking a cocktail of herbs. Essiac is a very powerful cocktail that has been shown to cure people of all sorts of cancers including pancreatic cancer. There are different types of Essiac and it can be confusing to find the right one. So when you are looking at the boxes look at the ingredients and look for sheep sorrel, burdock root (Articum lappa), slippery elm (Ulmus fulva), rhubarb root, watercress, blessed thistle (Circus bendictus), red clover (Trifolium pretense), and kelp (Ascophyllum nodosum). The sheep sorrel is the most important ingredient and you must use the whole plant roots and all.  Some vendors of Essiac tea only use the upper part of the plant. This remedy is best used as a tea, but please read the instructions on the box on how to make it.  You can also find Essiac tea available online.  See the Cancer page on this website for more information about Essiac tea and other exceptional cancer natural treatments.



To avoid cancers of all sorts’ especially pancreatic cancer start taking probiotics. Probiotics contains four billion different types of bacteria that are beneficial to our bodies. It will support our immunes system, digestive system, and will detoxify our bodies of carcinogenic matter.



Indole-3-carinol is a substance that detoxifies our bodies of cancer causing hormones that we accumulate over time. Taking four hundred milligrams of this daily will help prevent you from having pancreatic cancer.


Cats Claw

Having pancreatic cancer means the activity of your blood cells is low and need extra help to increase it. When you take five hundred milligrams of cats claw daily you will increase your blood cell activity so that they can fight off the cancer cells which gives you a better opportunity for overcoming cancer.



I suggest taking Rosemary daily to help build up your immune system. Rosemary contains a substance called carnosol that is a very effective anti-cancer agent that will give your body a fighting chance against pancreatic cancer.



Dandelion root is known to give your body’s immune system a boost. You can boil eight ounces of water then add the dandelion root to the boiling water to make a tea out of it. After adding the dandelion root, let it continue boiling for an additional five minutes and then remove it from the stove. Let it sit for an additional five minutes to let it steep and cool off before drinking it. By using this natural cure you will feel better and have energy while fighting off cancer cells.


Milk Thistle

An alternative therapy for pancreatic cancer is milk thistle. Milk thistle is a natural herb that can help limit the growth of cancer cells and help stop angiogenesis from occurring. It is recommended that you take four hundred milligrams or more on a daily basis to help in the fight against pancreatic cancer. Milk thistle is very helpful in helping detoxifying your liver as well.


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