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Cirrhosis of the Liver Natural Cures & Home Remedies 


A good natural cure for cirrhosis of the liver is to drink 8 ounces of spinach juice mixed with 10 ounces of carrot juice.  Drink this once each day.


Milk Thistle

An ancient remedy for liver ailments of all types including cirrhosis of the liver is milk thistle.  Pliny the Elder spoke of it for increased bile flow and in 1650 Nicholas Culpeper, the famous English herbalist, stated that milk thistle is good for relieving obstructions in the liver.  Von Haller wrote about using milk thistle for liver problems in 1744.  Milk thistle has undergone scientific investigation since the 1900s.  In the 1960s, a group of German scientists pinpointed a group of active ingredients which the collectively named “silymarin.”  The making of milk thistle herbal medicines as a highly effective and safe treatment for liver health was approved by the German Commission E.  Most of the active ingredients are found in the seeds. This is one of the best natural remedies for cirrhosis of the liver.


Scenar Device

Use a Scenar device to heal the liver. Developed in Russia used by cosmonauts. Very effective. Go here to read more about this.




Connecting the body to the earth will help heal the liver. Being grounded a.k.a. earthing gives owerful and profound health benefits. It is anti-inflammatory, relieves pain and promotes the healing of all manner of diseases. Read more about the discovery and simple application of Earthing here



Eating plenty of carbohydrates is good for liver cirrhosis along with raw green leafy vegetables.  An ailing liver causes undo fatigue and eating carbohydrates will help to overcome this.  Avoid fried food, junk food and spicy food as these will cause a burden to a liver with cirrhosis. It is best to avoid meat, eggs and dairy.


Papaya Seeds

Papaya seeds are most helpful in bringing about a cure of cirrhosis of the liver. Take dry papaya seed and them grind them up into powder.  Add ¼ teaspoon of fresh lime juice.  This should be taken twice a day for 30 days.


Radish Juice

Cirrhosis of the liver can be cured with radish.  Make a juice of the radishes and take it 30 minutes before eating twice daily.


Another good home remedy for liver cirrhosis is to make a juice of eclipta plant.  Juice the entire plant and take a teaspoon three times a day.


Ayurvedic Natural Cures for Cirhossis of the Liver

For curing liver cirrhosis, ayurvedic medicine has long prescribed the herb picrorhiza kurroa which is more commonly refered to as kutki. It is found in the North-Western Himalayan region from Kashmir to Kumaun and Garhwal regions in India and Nepal.  Mix 1 tablespoon of powdered kutki with 1 tablespoon of honey and take it three times a day.  If there is constipation, then the dose should be doubled and given with a cup of warm water 4 times daily.  This acts as a stimulant for the liver and causes it to make more bile.  The increased flow of bile reduces congestion in the liver.


It is important to avoid toxic chemicals such as alcohol, over the counter pain medications, other medications, smoking and so on.  These burden the liver.  Go on a juice fast for 7 days.  Drink the juice of red beets, carrots and grapes.  Add a little ginger.  This works well to heal the cirrhosis in the liver.


Coffee Enemas

Up until a decade or two ago, coffee enemas were included in the Physician’s Desk Reference.  It is well known that coffee enemas are very effective at detoxifying the liver and thus aiding in recovery from cirrhosis of the liver.  The coffee enema is a mainstay in the Gerson Cancer Therapy.  The coffee enema is used to cleanse the liver and not the colon.  The enema is of a low volume and only fills the lower part of the colon called the sigmoid colon.  A duct connects the liver and the sigmoid colon and this is called the entero-hepatic circulatory system.  When the feces in the bowel comes to this place, there are many toxins that are then routed to the liver for detoxification.  When the coffee enema is taken, caffeine is absorbed into the EH system causing the ducts in the liver to flow into the sigmoid colon.  This purges the toxins in the liver ducts and creates space for more body toxins to be cleansed by the liver.  The caffeine alkaloids promote the manufacture of the enzyme glutathione-S-transferase which is an enzyme that stimulates the liver detoxification channels.  Coffee enemas are not bothersome to people who cannot tolerate caffeine as the coffee is confined to the sigmoid colon.  Coffee enemas are an important part of recovering from liver cirrhosis.


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