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Cold Sores Home Cures & Remedies



I just turned 20 and I hate these cold sores with a passion.  Who wouldn’t?  I think I have tried out every cold sore home remedy.  I’ve tried alcohol, lysine, lemon balm, abreva and absolutely none of these did a thing for me. So today another one started coming on.  It is smaller thatn some of the others I’ve had but it is every bit as painful and sorry to look at.  It’s just above my upper lip – really gross.  I recalled that I had proactive which is a refining mask and to has sulfur in ti and some other compounds that work on zits.  So I though what the hey.  First I cleaned the sore with alcohol and then put on the sulfur mask.  Right away and I mean right away, the pain was gone and the itching stopped.  The swelling went way down.  I plan to do this overnight.  Way cool if it works!


Go out and by yourself some Neosporin pain relief and put it on the cold sore about every couple of hours.  I have yet to have this fail to get rid of mine.  When I told my dentist, he said it might not really be a cold sore but some other kind of virus and I can’t remember what he called it.  So now before the sore forms, I put that on it and they stop in their tracks.  I have one right now that just came up during the night and I didn’t feel the usual sensation of it forming.  The Neosporin doesn’t seem to do quite as well as when you catch the cold sore at the beginning.


Acetone Cold Sore Home Cure

Here’s my cold sore home remedy.  When the first little cold sore blisters pop up, leave them totally alone.  Do not touch or try to pop them.  Get a q-tip and dip it in a bottle of pure acetone finger nail polish remover.  This is cheap at Target.  At first it can burn.  The blisters will dry up with the acetone.  On the last day you do this, the blisters may already by dry when you put on the acetone and it might burn.  My thinking is better safe than sorry and so I keep up the acetone in the end. This is better than having cold sores for a week.  I get these stupid cold sores all the time and this is what I have found gets rid of them for me.


Do you want to cure that awful cold sore in only three days?!?  At the first sign of it, even if it has not formed a blister yet, begin putting standard rubbing alcohol right onto the cold sore and hold it on there with a cotton ball for as long as you can take it.  It will burn.  Then put some Vaseline on it and do this five times a day or whenever you can think about it.  Do it more if you can. This is one of the best cold sore home remedies.


Body Oil Home Remedy for a Cold Sore

When you start to notice a cold sore just starting up, take your finger and swab it behind your ear, in your ear and on your nose to get your natural body oils and rub this oil on the cold sore area on your lip or mouth.  Do this often as the day goes by and your cold sore problems will be history!


I use ear wax to treat my cold sores.  This will cause the sore to dry up and heal.


BTW from Omaha.  The best thing I have found for cold sores is lysine which is an amino acid.  I got this info from a lady in a health food store.  At the first tinge of a blister starting to form, I take 1500 mgs the first time and the 500 mgs after that and three times a day. You can get this in capsule form and then you take that and open one up and dump the contents into some small jar or a saucer which you can keep covered.  Wet a q-tip and dip it in the lysine powder and put it right on the spot and let it dry out.  Don’t dip the q-tip twice.  Keep putting this on the spot.  When you drink liquids, use a straw and throw the straw away when you are done. Avoid kissing anyone or touching the sore onto anything because it can be given to someone else that way.  Use separate eating utensils or plastic ware.  Wash your face towels or wash cloths separate from everything else.  Don’t use any lipstick, chapstick or gloss.  It is good to drink lots of water because this may have a tendency to dry you out.  If I am quick on my feet when the sore starts up, the spot will only become a little red and only raised a little bit and the sore never comes.  It is good to note when they come because they can be related to stress or pre-menstrual cycles.  You can take lysine every day if you want to use it as a preventative. This is also good for shingles. 


When the blister comes, try putting a little camphor spirits on it.  This will sting and turn red but it will dry out the sore like nothing else.  This is one darn good natural cure for a cold sore.


Ice Cube Cold Sore Home Remedy

My experience in curing cold sores is that melting an ice cube on it works wonders.  It will be a little painful until the area gets numb from the cold.  This has done the job many many times for me and also for those who I have told about it.  It’s been several years now since I had a cold sore and I wonder if the freezing had anything to do with that.


If you are looking for a good cold sore home remedy, scoop up a little wax from your ears and spread it on like lip balm.  Right on the blister.  I know this sounds gross, but it’s well worth it.


In order to make an oozing cold sore dry up, us a q tip to put a little pepto bismol on it.  This will dry it up and also form a protective barrier over it.


Get a fresh green papaya and put sap from this on your cold sore every hour.


On the tip of your finger, spray a little right guard deodorant – the original aerosol – and dab this onto the sore several times a day.  It will be all dried up before you can shake a stick at it!


When you begin to feel a cold sore coming on, take lysine three times a day.  It will act to prevent the cold sore before it can take shape.  You can also buy a lysine cream that you can put on it.  This helps keep it from getting too big and aids in healing it very fast!


Dab some hand sanitizer right onto the cold sore.  There will be a little burning but it will dry out rapidly.


Take a fresh clove of garlic and smash it up into pulp.  Put a blob onto the sore and leave it there for 15 minutes.  This will reduce a blister that has already formed.


Put a little water in instant coffee and make a paste.  Put this on the cold sore.  This home remedy for cold sores was tested and then reported in the New Scientist back in the 1970’s.  It only works with instant coffee.


Weeping cold sores will dry up and blow away in 24 hours if you take 1000 mg of vitamin C three times a day.  Take it with food.  After that take a gram of C every day for five days to enhance your immune system.

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