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Congestion Natural Home Remedies


Hot Mustard

My mom would do this for my brothers and sister and I when we were ill.  I know first hand it works.  Use spicy hot mustard.  Put it on the soles of the feet of your children or on their chest and wrap in a thick towel.  Make sure the towel doesn’t come off.  The room should be warm.  Keep the mustard on for about a half an hour to an hour.  It can burn a little but it will get rid of the congestion.


I discovered that drinking pure pineapple juice will clear your nose up to some degree if not completely.  It all comes down to how congested you are.


Tea and Menthol

When my children get a cough or congestion, I make a boiling hot tea with a regular black tea bag.  Then while the water is really hot, put in two mentho-lyptus cough drops. Occasionally stir the tea to dissolve the drops.  My children are not fond of regular tea so I put in a little almond milk and honey to make it taste better.  I will give them three or four cups of this daily.  You can feel the teal soothing your throat, nose and chest. This is one of the best home remedies for congestion.



Tiger's Balm Congestion Natural Remedy

Put red Tiger’s Balm on your chest and throat.  Take a spoon and scrape the skin until it makes little red bumps or a kind of redness on the skin.  In Chinese medicine, making the skin do this is called “red sand.”  This will bring the blood to the surface of the skin where it will pick up the Tiger’s Balm and carry it to your throat and chest.  Works great for congestion.


For a little relief from congestion, laughter will work.


We have all tried numerous things for congestion in the sinuses.  What I do is I let my hot shower water run and steam up the shower stall.  Then I breathe through my nose only and this will break loose the phlegm in the sinus cavities. Once out of the shower, have hot tea with honey and whisky.


Onion Vapor Congestion Home Remedy

Can anyone recall the old congestion home remedy from Mother Earth News where you chop up four onions and put them in a large bowl.  Then sprinkle two tablespoons of white sugar.  Cover the bowl with a big towel.  Bring three quarts of water to a boil and pour the boiling water into the bowl.  Cover the bowl and in 5 minutes begin breathing in the vapors under the towel.


For many years I have awakened at night with a stopped up nose and the feeling of not getting enough air to breathe.  When the Breath Right product came around I felt that the solution had arrived.  It did help, but getting it to stick on my nose was difficult.  It would make a rash and the sticky stuff would come off at times in the night.  Also it is expensive and about 10 bucks a month.  I came upon a better remedy and sooooo much cheaper.  Take a q tip and bend it so it forms an arch.  When bent the ends should be a little wider than the outside of your nostrils.  When you put this in your nostrils, it will hold them open and you will be able to breathe freely.


Take a cloth wash rag and get it wet.  Wring it out to the point it is not dripping all over the place.  Heat it in the microwave for about 30 seconds.  Fold the cloth lengthwise a couple of times and lay it across the nose bridge and under the eyes.  This will heat up sinuses under your eyes and also on each side of your nose.  This does wonders to provide pain relief and to eliminate congestion.


For sinus congestion of a head cold, I put a dab of a menthol product like Tiger’s Balm in my mustache and breathe the vapors.  I do this before I go to bed too.  No mustache?  I am sorry because it is really handy for this.


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