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Female Infertility Natural Treatments & Home Remedies



You can try using evening primrose oil as a treatment for female infertility.  Evening primrose oil is effective in improving the tone of cervical fluid, thus increasing a woman's chances to conceive.  Use evening primrose oil at the beginning of the menstrual cycle through ovulation.  Once ovulation has occurred, use flaxseed oil until the ovulation period is over. 


Female infertility can be treated with red raspberry leaf, which protects and strengthens the uterine lining.  This is important in lengthening the luteal phase.  Red raspberry leaf is a wonderful herb that can be taken throughout the menstrual cycle and does not need to be interrupted by ovulation or menstruation.  Dosage should be determined by a health professional.  Once a child has been conceived, it is advised that the woman stop taking the red raspberry leaf. 


Eggplant is a wonderful natural home remedy for female infertility.  To obtain the maximum benefit, cook eggplant until tender and eat with buttermilk.  Consume this daily for a month. 


An Ayurvedic treatment for female infertility is the use of Jamun fruit.  Take the leaves of the Jamun fruit with honey.  This is an extremely effective home treatment for female infertility and sterility. 

Female infertility can also be treated with diet.  A diet containing large amounts of nuts, grains, vegetables, fruits and seeds is effective in treating female sterility.  This diet should be enhanced with vegetable oils, milk and honey.


A wonderful natural treatment for female infertility is the consumption of cottage cheese and curd. 


Eat a diet that is high in sprouted seeds, grains and beans.  These foods increase immunity and help tremendously.


It is essential that the bowels are kept clean.  An effective and simple home remedy is a warm water enema.  This should be given while the woman is fasting, or can be administered at any time.  The enema is effective in cleansing the uro-genital system and the intestines.  This is a very beneficial home remedy for female infertility. 


Your mood and emotional health is very important to address when treating female infertility.  Be sure to meditate daily and try to reduce stress, tension, anxiety and fear.  While this is a very stressful time in your life, it is important to try to remain happy.  Participate in something that makes you happy with your partner, and do something with them that they enjoy as well. 


Red clover tea is high in magnesium, calcium and vitamins.  All of this natural goodness helps to relax the nervous system and nourishes the uterus, thus creating a welcome environment for a new life. Drink red clover tea daily to really feel the amazing effects as a natural home remedy for female sterility.


A tincture made of lady's mantle (drunk daily) is beneficial in regulating menstruation and building of the uterine lining.  This is a wonderful natural cure for female sterility.


If female infertility is due to lack of ovulation, then false unicorn root will be a wonderfully helpful treatment.  False unicorn root restores hormonal balances in women and also stimulates the ovaries.  This encourages ovulation and helps lead to conception.


A tea made of stinging nettle will be very effective female infertility natural treatment due to hormonal imbalances.  This tea will also help with regulating ovulation and menstruation.


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